Chaperone Courses

Licenced Chaperones are the jewels of our dance school! Our lovely ladies step in to help look after the children if we have performances or in some cases competitions to take part in.

Certainly shows like Dance Vortex couldn’t go ahead without a huge bank of chaperones.

If your licence is up for renewal or you would like to become a chaperone for the first time, you need to attend a course run by your LOCAL county council.

The following dates are the next West Sussex courses that have spaces, if you would like to attend please contact us and we will put you in touch.

Monday 6th November 1000-1215
Wednesday 15th November 1000-1215
Thursday 11th January 1000-1215 

If you live in Surrey or East Sussex you cannot attend these course but contact us and we shall let you know the dates of the courses in your county.

Become a jewel